Are you uncomfortable with the idea of nakedness? Many of us are. The latest exhibit at Museum Kranenburgh in The Netherlands BLOOT (Dutch for naked) explores this idea. Gathering together an array of mediums to explore the concept of nudity.
We were honoured to have our #NoShame poster featured and have the opportunity to add to this conversation. Below, find photos from this provocative and liberating exhibit, running at the museum until February 2019.

Orgy by Maria Roosen
After David no. 2 Maria Roosen
Womb Atelier Van Lieshout
Virgin of Light Elisabet Stienstra
Vulva Vulva Michele Degen
Penis XL Atelier Van Lieshout

No Shame for easy period, photographer Chloe Ellingson, design Cossette
Pussy Pants by Duran Lantink