We've all been there.
It's the middle of the month and things start to get tight. Really tight. You're trying to make the money stretch and you can feel yourself constrict. Your shoulders feel tense, your jaw too. How am I possibly going to make ends meet? There are things that need to be paid. There's just not enough. That pressure is an awful feeling.
In those moments it can feel like there's no way out. It's hard to see any hope and almost impossible to believe that the situation can be fixed.
Each time we get into one of those tight spots, there's a lesson creeping it's way in through this perceived obstacle. Follow these 4 steps to help relieve the strain and begin to focus on what's possible:
1. Look at what went wrong:Â This can be the hardest step and the one we're most resistant to. If you're anything like me, when finances become stressful you want to sweep them under the rug and avoid looking at them.Â
- Start by going back over the last month, three months or the last year (if you're really brave)Â
- Just get a sense for where the $ went. Get a clear picture of your spending habits. Most online banking sites will let you print off your account statements.
2. Remove what you can:Â Now that you've taken the first step and seen what's happening you can see where there's room to adjust.
- Maybe uber eats doesn't deserve a $600 investment every month
- Cancel the membership to the gym you'd rather die than go to. Follow a youtube video instead.
- Could you have found a chunky black knit at value village instead of the $90 you spent?
3. Determine what you need going forward:Â Now you can get realistic about going forward what expenses are going to come out every month. It's so much better to know, to have it all written down on paper and to avoid the dreaded feeling of not having enough.
4. Seek guidance: Â Knowing where you stand now, seek guidance in whatever way is right for you. Whether that's sitting in silence so you can hear your intuition, reaching out to a trusted friend, or praying. Ask for guidance and begin to seek out creative ways to proceed.
Money can be heavy stuff that carries a lot of stories we learned while growing up, so deep breaths are highly recommended throughout steps 1 to 4.
Finally, despite how bleak things may look, remember: You have earning potential, you are inherently abundant and this perceived obstacle might just be here to show you where you can improve. Do your part and the $ will follow.